Flos Asisium (Codice Prodotto: 220-08)

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Born in Perugia, Nicola Fumo Frattegiani graduated from D.A.M.S. at the University of Bologna, with a thesis on Luigi Nono?s work ?Intolleranza 1960?.
He then earned a Master?s degree on ?The musical cultures of the 1900s? at the University ofTorVergata in Rome,and a bachelor?s degree on?Electronic Music and NewTechnologies?at the Conservatory of Perugia. Currently Nicola Fumo Frattegiani is pursuing a Master?s degree of ?Electronic Music? at the Conservatory of Frosinone.
His works have been presented at various national and international festivals including ICMC (KR), NYCEMF (USA), SMC (CY), Atempora?nea Festival (AR), Festival Futura (FR), Synchresis Festival (ES), Evimus (DE), MUSLAB (BR), Echofluxx (CZ), Audio Mostly, BFE/RMA, Convergence, Noisefloor Festival (UK), XXII CIM,Venice Biennale of Architecture (IT).
An Author and a performer, his research deals with electroacoustic music, sound for video, art exhibitions and compositions for theatrical performance.

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