Jan Freidlin was born in Russia and studied composition, piano and music theory at the Odessa Music College.
From 1965 to 1971 he studied composition and theory with prof. A. Kogan at the Odessa State Music Academy as composer, musicologist and pianist.

Upon his graduation he served as Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Odessa Philharmonic Society Jazz Band, and in 1974 became a member of the USSR Composers' Union.
He was the Head of the Music Theory department at the Stolyarsky Special Music College from 1974 until 1990 when he immigrated to Israel.

Freidlin taught at the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel-Aviv for 3 years, and he currently teaches at the Levinsky College of Music in Tel-Aviv.

Jan Freidlin is a very prolific author. He wrote orchestral works (5 symphonies , ballet Mystery “Guernica”, several concertos) as well as chamber music and solo compositions, music for 7 feature movies and 26 theatrical shows. Many of his pieces are published, recorded & performed all over the world.

Freidlin has composed music for many television shows, for 26 theater plays and for 7 feature films. A prolific composer, many of his works have been performed in Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, UK, Czech Republic, Holland, France, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Japan, Canada, Australia and the USA.

The works of Jan Freidlin are published in many editions in the USA, Germany, France, Israel, Belgium, Canada ,Czech, Russia & Ukraine and are recorded on many CDs.

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