Fernando Maglia is a multifaceted musician. Composer, guitarist, lecturer , conferencist and improviser, his work includes chamber music, opera, symphonic music and electronics. Their sources are sunk into the Latin American ethnic music, European early music and African chants. His eclecticism explores the boundaries of silence and noise, the poetry and drama.
F.M was born in Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires), Argentina .Professor Superior of Guitar by the Conservatorio de Musica de Bahia Blanca, he also studied Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional del Sur. He took part in courses and seminaries of guitar with Eduardo Fernandez, Roberto Aussel, Alvaro Pierri, Alirio Diaz, Miguel Angel Girollet and Leo Soares; of Ancient Music with Mario Videla, African music with Aki Euba, R. Kwami, A. Boyd at Churchill College (England)) and Composition with the italians Luigi Nono, Franco Donatoni, Luca Lombardi and Giacomo Manzoni. Course of Musical Analysis with Enrique Cipolla in Buenos Aires, workshop with the Arditti Quartet,and XXth century Music with Pierre Boulez at the College de France in Paris.
He was awarded the following scholarships :

-Of the "Fundacion Camping Musical Bariloche" (guitar) in 1983 and 1984 (Argentina).
-Of the Brazilian Goverment to the "XII Seminario Internacional de Guitarra in Porto Alegre attending class from Abel Carlevaro,Francis Schwartz (composition), etc (1979).
-Of the Goverment of France (1986/87) to study Composition with the French Composer Francis Miroglio (La Sorbonne) in France.
-Of the Goverment of Argentina , in Composition (FNA) in 1988.
- Of the City Government of Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires) to edit C.D. (1994 and 2001)
- Of the Goverment of Argentina, to compose the opera “Cantos de Albas y Presagios “ (Homage to Latin American poets).2007
He was awarded the following Prizes :

- Prize "Asociacion Estimulo Cultural"- Guitar (Argentina).
- First Prize "Encargos" (Composition) Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Argentina,1990).
- First Prize "Edicion" (Composition) FNA (Argentina,l991).
- Distinction I.S.C.M.(International Society of Contemporary Music) Composition (Argentina,l993).
- Prix I.S.C.M. Composition (Argentina,1996)
- Distinction I.S.C.M. (Composition) Argentina 2003.
 - First Prize of SADAIC (Argentinian Society of Composers) Award for Symphonic Orchestra Composition (l997). Performed by Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional of Argentina.
- Distinction of Premio Municipal de Buenos Aires (Composition). Argentina (1998)
- Finalist of the International String Quartet Competition "Mario Angelo- Comneno". Italy (1998)
- Prize of Edenor-Radio Clásica Award Composition. Argentina (1999)
- Distinction "III Concurso Internacional de Composición en Guitarra
Rodrigo Riera"(Composition), Venezuela, (1999)
- First Prize of Premio Ciudad de Buenos Aires, composition award, Argentina (2000).
- First Prize of YAGE-AUSTRIA International Composition Competition, Austria (2004)
- Prize TRINAC, composition award , Argentina (2006)
- Finalist International Prize “Cittá d’Udine”, Italy (2008)
- 2nd Prize K. SEROCKI, International Composition Competition, Poland (2008)

He was invited to the International Festivals :
"Buenos Aires ISCM" (1988,89,94), III International Guitar Festival of Buenos Aires (l996), Semaines Internationales d'Orleans (France,l990), III Encuentro de Musica Contemporanea (Santiago,Chile,1989) , III International Festival and Symposium , Center of Intercultural Music Arts of London University (United Kingdom,1994) , International Festival Music of Americas (Miami, U.S.A.,1994), Pianissimo Festival of Sofia (Bulgary, 1998), V Simposium of Latinamerican Musicology (Brasil, 2001), Festival Nuevas Músicas ( Buenos Aires 2001 and 2002), 2nd International Symposium and Festival on Composition in Africa and the Diaspora (England, 2003), Festival Sonoimágenes (Argentina, 2004), Festival Aspekte, Salzburg (AUSTRIA, 2005),Encuentro Americano de Música Contemporánea( Argentina, 2005), International Festival “Harvest Moon” of Electroacoustic Music, Carolina University (Canada, 2006),Festival “Del Compositor al Oyente” IUNA (Argentina, 2007), Festival “Tsunami “(Argentina, 2009), Festival “Elektronica Viva” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009), Festival “Hacia un Nuevo Futurismo” (ISCM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010), Festival “ 200 años de Música Argentina (Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010) .
As concert performer he has played in La Plata, Bahia Blanca, Mar del Plata, Neuquen, Trelew, Pto.Madryn, Bariloche, Rosario, etc. (Argentine); and many halls of Buenos Aires as Teatro San Martin, Centro Recoleta, Teatro Cervantes, etc. At Paris:Cite des Arts, F.I.A.P., Grand Theatre de la Cite Universitaire, Maison de l'Amerique Latine, etc. Moreover has performed at London, Florida (USA), Merano (Italy) and many broadcasted programmes in Argentina and USA.
Soloist with the Symphonic Orchestra of Bahia Blanca , and also he has performed with members of Ensamble Intercontemporain . He was invited by numerous culturel institutions: Centro de Divulgacion Musical, Grupo de Creacion Musical Fundacion San Telmo, etc (Argentina); Maison du Proche-Orient,etc. (France), ELARG (European Latin-American Research Group), CIMA (Great Britain), Royal Academy of Music (London,U.K.). His works was performed in Argentina, Germany, United Kingdom, Bulgary, Chile, France, Italy and USA.
His works has been chosen by Indiana University to Workshop "Words and Music"(1994) and Masterprize Composition Award (London) and he write about Musical Analysis and his own works in the musical review "El Encordado" (Sweden), Musicology Review of CIMA (London), Orpheotron (Argentina) and Revista Música e Investigación del Instituto Argentino de Musicología Carlos Vega . His works are edited by Ferrer Edition and Ricordi Munich (Germany).
He offered Master Class and conferences about his own works at the Florida International University(USA),Lecture-Concert at the Royal Academy of Music about Xxth Century Music for guitar, Latinoamerican Composers(U.K.,1997), University of Cambridge (England), Conservatory of Adria (Italy), Rachmaninov Conservatory of Paris (France), Universidad Católica Argentina (Argentina), V Simposium of Latinamerican Musicology in Curitiba (Brasil),University of Lanús and other Argentinian institutions.
Co-founder of 2Ar.Co (n) Association to difusse Latin American and Argentinian Arts.
Co-founder of Imaginario Sur at Instituto Universitario del Arte (Argentina) to diffuse Latin American composers.
Co-founder with Adrián Maglia of MAGLIA x 2 (piano and guitar amplified duo) to perform his own music.
Professor at the Conservatory "Guy d'Arezzo" at Paris.In Argentina Director of Department of Composition at Conservatorio Nacional de Buenos Aires (Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte) where he organize since 1998 two series (National and International)of Composers Master Class and Guitarist XXth century Master Class , at Conservatory "Alberto Ginastera" (New graphisms and guitar) he is Head of Chamber music Department in present time, where he has created the course "Creative Research of no-traditional resources on acoustic instruments". His works are included in official Conservatories programs.
He followed invitations to offer the seminaries : "The Music and the Golden Number","The Semiotic and the Music" at the Universidad Nacional del Sur(Argentina),"XXth Century Music for Guitar,Latinoamerican Composers"(Conservatory A.Ginastera).
He was designated Member of the Advisory Council of "Center of Intercultural Music Arts,City University,London,1997; and jury by Argentine National Goverment , Argentinian SIMC Award of Composition (TRINAC) and Universidad DE Villa María (Córdoba) His works are recording into "Panorama de la Musica Argentina"(FNA,Argentine Goverment).and many others CD´s (“Música Argentina para clave”, “Premios Edenor a la creación Musical”, “Lee Festival”, “Maglia x 2”, “Contrastes”, etc) . His concerts are under "Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina" patronage.
In 2002 Compositor in residence at Electronic Laboratory of Research and Musical Production (LIPM) of Buenos Aires , he was invited by University of Cambridge (England) in 2003 to offer a new work and lecture.
Many chamber music ensembles and soloists of Europe and Argentina comissioned him different works, as Teatro Colón (Argentina) his Ópera “Cantos deAlbas y Presagios”, Vivienne Spiteri (France-Canada), Armonia Opus Trio (Argentina), Baroni-Osuna duo guitar, Sfriso-Ujaldón dúo guitar, Ensemble Noir (Canada), Grupo Encuentros, La Plata String Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra of Bahia Blanca (Argentina),. etc Important composers have dedicated works to him as E.Cipolla,Gabriel Di Cicco,R.Dal Farra(Argentina),Tim Ewers(England).

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