Chanson (Product code: 220-14)

Price: 0.00 EUR


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LENGHT: 8:22

Dieter Kaufmann was born in Vienna in 1941. He studied composition and electro- acoustic music in Vienna under Karl Schiske and Gottfried von Einem and in Paris under Olivier Messiaen, Rene? Leibowitz, Pierre Schaeffer and Franc?ois Bayle. Kaufmann taught at the University of Music and Performing Arts ofVienna from 1970 to 2006. He was president of the Society for Composers? Mechanical Rights, Austro-Mechana from 2001 to 2013.
Kaufmann has composed works in several fields of music: chamber music, symphonic music, vocal music, musical theatre, electro-acoustic and live electronic music as well as in the applied arts. He has won numerous national and international prizes.

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