Fixed Media I (Code: TAUKAY 158)

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Luca Richelli


01  Studio, ancora! (2003)

02  Welcome (2004)

03  Soundreamscape (2006)

04  Caos, ma non troppo (2006)

05  Ein unmerkliches Knacken (2006)

06  Come sono (2006)   

07  Alla Luna (2006) 

08  Imaginary Soundscape (2012) 

09  Keep Going Again (2014)  

Luca Richelli

Composer, sound designer and live electronics performer. He graduated in Pianoforte, Composition, Electronic Music, Composition and New Technologies and Sound direction. He teaches composition for electro acoustic music at the "G. Verdi" conservatory in Como and Musical computer technology and Electro acoustics at the "F.A. Bonporti" conservatory in Trento. 
He is also the coordinator for SaMPL (Sound and Music Processing Lab) at the "C. Pollini" conservatory in Padua. He has led courses in Sound Design at the Department for New Technologies for Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Brera (Milan) and Computer Music for the Department of Composition and Computer Music at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart, Germany. His composition Opera Omnia was selected (Call 2008) by CEMAT and published in 5 CDs of the collection of electro acoustic music. 
The composition InterplaYflute, for flute and live-electronic was given a special mention for live electronics at the Premio Nazionale delle Arti, Trento 2009. 
He performs in the area of live-electronics, and has performed both his own compositions and pieces from the contemporary repertoire in numerous music festivals, including: Festival Traiettorie Parma 2014, Colloqui di Informatica Musicale Rome 2014, Turin 2010 and Venice 2008, Rassegne SaMPL and Centro d'Arte degli studenti dell?Università di Padova 2013-2015, Auditorium Parco della Musica Rome 2013, Festival Internazionale di Musica Contemporanea, la Biennale di Venezia 2013 and 2012, Sound and Music Computing, Padua 2011, EMUfest Rome 2009-2014, Verona Contemporanea 2010, Mondi Sonori Trento 2009, Festival Spaziomusica Cagliari 2008, ArteScienza Biennale Internazionale di arte scienza e cultura contemporanea Rome 2008, Variazioni di Pressione Verona 2008 and 2005, Stagioni ExNovo Musica Venice 2014, 2013 and 2007. His compositions have been published by Ars Publica, and his musicological articles have appeared in the journal of the Literary Society of Verona. He was recently commissioned by IRCAM, to write the online manual for the OMChroma library for the graphic composition environment OpenMusic. 

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