TEM – Taukay Musical Editions began its activities in 1995 with a view to enhance the production of contemporary music through the creation of a catalogue made of scores and compact discs.
Since its establishment, the publishing firm has tried to widen and extend a greater contingent of users interested in research music using the smashing medium of communication that is the internet. A medium which allows the diffusion of ideas and initiatives on a world scale, without any kind of mediation.
Since the beginning, the activity has been characterized by the idea that the music published by TEM has to be in effect executable. For this reason, when we select material to be published we prefer music for chamber orchestra, which is more easily executable without involve big orchestras.
At the base of the work of the publishing firm there are the principal needs of finding executive spaces, comparison opportunities, and advocating visibility for the artists of our time.
The International Composition Contest “Città di Udine” had been organized since 1995, with collaboration from Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Udine. The following year saw the birth of the first edition of the “Contemporanea” festival.
It is in this balance between publishing industry and organization of events that the strength of the structure resides. In these years Taukay has observed a greater measure of interest for its activities, thanks in part in its ability to suggest innovative solutions in tune with the times.
In reference to the publishing level, TEM has to diffuse its musical material in a non-conventional way, particularly because of the difficulty of commercialized scores of contemporary music.
Probing the interests of composers present in the catalogue, we found that their primary wish is to see their own music played in concert, beyond commercial capitalization.
In the prospective of giving the best service possible, we searched for the least expensive way to distribute the material in the catalogue in the most extensive way and resetting the accessory costs to zero .
To realize this project a password controlled section in the web site has been created, where all the scores of the catalogue can be accessed in PDF, downloadable and in printable files without any limitation.
After some years of activity, the site have totalled about one hundred users that pay attention to every new score entry.
In the festival editions created until now we tried to have a range of projects of the local culture, from compositions of the national and international artistic scene. Often the suggestions are very different from one another, but the leitmotiv is the research of “New Music” regardless of academies or labels.
Furthermore the creation of Taukay Web Radio, the first Italian internet radio station, born on first May 2008 and closed at the end of 2014, completely dedicated to contemporary music, carried a clear signal of our will to be a link between the musician and the listener.
TEM – Taukay Musical Editions represents a dynamic reality in the present editorial scene, always in the service of music, composers and its performers. It is a valid resource for anyone that wants to diffuse their artistic project within the fast and complex dynamics of our time.